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The UK's leading supplier of good used emergency service vehicles

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We supply ...

Good quality used emergency service vehicles

WTLs | RIVs | Aerials | Airport Appliances | Ambulances and more

We supply good quality used fire engines, ambulances and equipment as released from ministry service.

Reserve your order today 01302-954007 - The UK's leading suppliers of good quality used fire engines

Our friendly staff will help you with everything from a quote to export

Call or email us now for a quote or if you have any questions - The UK's leading suppliers of good quality used fire engines

Our friendly staff will help you with everything from a quote to export

Call or email us now for a quote or if you have any questions

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Good quality used emergency service vehicles for sale

Here you will find the very best in quality used fire engines large and small as released from brigade service along with equipment and ambulances.

Evems Limited (supplying fire engines for sale) was founded in 2004 to meet the growing demand for good quality second hand machines and equipment. Customers include industrial brigades and overseas customers alike.

We specialise in the sale of good quality ex. UK brigade appliances which have been removed from brigade service.

Vehicles are usually released due to being replaced for newer models or which are surplus to requirements. (Example: training or reserve appliances being released due to cut backs in government spending.)

Appliances which turn up in the marketplace on auction sites and via private sellers or which cannot be viewed operating should be avoided, they have a tendency to be there for a reason and that reason is generally not a good one.

Vehicles supplied via Evems Limited are either thoroughly checked as standard or, in some cases we provide the option to have them inspected by a reputable third party to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

We do everything possible to ensure that the customers requirements for a serviceable appliance are satisfied in full.

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NOW Available

2007/8 Volvo FL 4x2 Type B's for sale

Get in touch if you have an interest in these appliances.
2007/8 Volvo FL 4x2 Type B's for sale
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